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FOUND Gallery Blog

FOUND's Summer 2011 Workshop Series

I flipped the calendar yesterday and realized that it's only 6 weeks until our Summer Workshop Series begins!   July 16 and 17.  Collage and assemblage artists John & Lynn Whipple will return to teach two separate workshops, both focused on exploring a variety of art making techniques. Collage! Paper, Picture-making & Play on Saturday.   And Assemblage! In the Found Box on Sunday. August 6 and 7.  Chris Roberts-Antieau will teach a 2 day textile applique workshop, inspired by wit and wonder!  As she guides you through the process of design, cutting and stitching, her infectious spirit is sure to make this a memorable experience.  Registration for all these classes is now open!   click on the link on the left or go to for details and registration.  


Here are a few photos from last year's Whipple workshops.

      Recognize anyone yet? Artists like to learn from other artists!   Last summer's sessions were filled with messy, creative energy!  Look for more of that in Lynn & John's workshops this summer.  And look for irons and sewing machines and fabric scraps in Chris' classes! I'm looking forward to learning something new this summer! Hope you'll join us. Mary ::: Continue reading

For the birds...

You'll find many styles of birdhouses at FOUND this week.  I gave Mom one like the one pictured above.   She hung it on a post by her driveway and  a little birdie moved in 2 days later!  Brad at Finders Keepers handcrafts these functional birdhouses in a variety of styles, made from materials salvaged from the farm.  Here are some more of his creations: We also have driftwood birdfeeders and driftwood bird houses.  Here's the feeder: We have some cute decorative houses, too.  While these aren't really designed for birds, they add a touch of color to your summer decor! Speaking of summer decor, little birdnests look sweet on a table or even hung on the wall.  And realistic looking eggs and bird shaped scented candles are good accents year round.  If you like to WEAR a bird, Josephine brought us a dozen more of these bird pins last week. May the bluebird of happiness shine upon you! Regards, Mary . Continue reading

Garden decor at FOUND

We've been gathering great porch and garden accents.   We really like using old buckets, pots and wood boxes for planting  annuals.  Mix with some handmade garden art for a unique outdoor space.  These "art-on-a-stick" garden stakes from Michigan's own Carmichael arrived just in time for planting.   Each features a metal flower and words of inspiration.  Just push the stake into a potted plant or directly into the ground to add a whimsical touch to your outdoor decor!
We also found some fun bee and dragonfly garden stakes made from recycled materials.   Look at the pictures closely to figure out how to make them from wire, washers and vintage spindles.  A fairly simple project to do, or you can simply come to FOUND to pick up a few!
 These spark plug and metal flowers take some welding and metal fabrication skills!
Looking for somethings besides a regular clay or plastic pot to plant your flowers.  Here are a few ideas from FOUND:
Fill an old watering can or clam steamer with dirt and add colorful plants!
Put a few holes in the bottom of a paint can and fill with geraniums!
Put large pots in a wagon and add little chairs and a few metal flower stakes for an instant touch of color.  Later in the season the small flowers will be spilling over the edges of the wagon.
One of my favorite accents for beside the front walk has been old boots and shoes overflowing with colorful impatiens.  I haven't planted them yet this year, but it's on my list for this weekend.
The Ann Arbor Farmer's Market, just outside out windows, is sure to have a wonderful selection of healthy flowers this weekend.  Open Saturday 7 a.m. to 3:00, with a special Flower Market this Sunday.   Stop up at FOUND to say hello after you pick up your flowers and produce!
We'll be closed Monday to commemorate Memorial Day.
Have a great weekend!
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May Market finds

My trip to The Third Sunday Market in Bloomington, Illinois yielded a van full of vintage treasures!  I returned home late Wednesday and have been working to get things cleaned and into the store.  Here's a small sampling of what we found.   Signs and vintage store display pieces were found at the Third Sunday Market and at Old Warehouse Antiques, also in Bloomington.  Vintage Beacon Shoe Sign The lighthouse image on this Beacon Shoe store sign would make it a great cottage accent.  It even lights up, so could work as a nightlight.  Another sign is for Red Goose Shoes, an iconic old name in children's shoes. Vintage Red Goose Shoes store sign I picked up 7 heavy old street signs.  4 of them for West Main Street.  In Ann Arbor, Main Street runs north and south, but if it runs east and west in your town, then I have a sign for that!  Also, one for East North Street, East Webster and South Clinton. vintage street sign I bought old store advertising display stands.  2 for LifeSavers and another for Beech Nut Gum.  All have bright, original vintage graphics. vintage Beech Nut Gum display rack The wackiest sign I got was a carnival sign for the bearded lady and the strong man.   I couldn't stand back far enough to  photograph the whole thing.  Here's part of it - It's covered with graffitti, but I think that's part of what makes it so cool. Picked up some creepy looking antique tin head dolls.  And some lovely old paper dolls. Found some little things that are fun to incorporate into recycled projects.  Rulers, game pieces, watch parts, DeKalb seed corn bag tags, old keys and more. vintage watch parts Replenished our salt and pepper drawer and supply of handstitched kitchen towels. I found quite a few photos and postcards that I need some time to sort and price before they end up at FOUND, but I did take in this interesting 1933 Chicago World's Fair "Foto Reel". Picked up almost 100 alphabet blocks to add to our supply.  Now is a good time to stop by if there are any particular letters you need. Filled two boxes with vintage pottery vases and planters.  Some kitchy and some really nice. This post is getting pretty long, so I'll end it with a wag of a tail and a good-bye for now! Everything pictured here is in the store now and available for purchase.  If you're intested in something you see, but not able to come to Ann Arbor, please call during business hours or email and we'd be happy to help you!  More photos soon. Continue reading

Mid-May at FOUND

This week I headed out of town on a vintage buying trip, but not before we added LOTS of fun new stuff to the shop.  Like this metal picnic basket, with contents.  And a couple dozen more chunky, eco-funky braceletsand necklaces from Elizabeth Busch of Saline, Michigan.  And our second order of cotton canvas, screenprinted pillows arrived.  Made in USA, these are machine washable and have wonderfully comfortable down inserts.  The Great Lakes pillows would be great for a cottage. These longitude & latitude pillows are for the Kerrytown block of Ann Arbor!    We also have Dream. Relax. Sit long.  Most are available white cotton canvas or a natural cream style. Our favorite UPS guy also delivered a big reorder from Chicago's FoundRE frames.  Over 3 dozen.  Just in time for those graduation photos! Made from architectual salvage, some of these are works of art in their own right.   Just add a special paper from our neighbors at Hollander's and hang on your wall! More wooden signs and frames from a small American company called Go Jump in the Lake came in.  The one above comes in green, red and black.  The large sign below is great for a cottage.  We're in the process of updating our website, and will soon be listing these items to buy online, too.  In the meantime, stop by the shop or call us (734.302.3060) during regular business hours and we'd be happy to do a phone order and ship anything you see here.   Mention this blog post and we'll ship for FREE! Regards, Mary Continue reading

Where's the old FOUND blog?

  Welcome to the new FOUND blog!  It's tied in with our updated website now, instead of on a separate server.   I need to "play" with inserting photos and text and how the controls work for to get used to the change, but I think I'm going to like it. For now, the old blog is still functioning at allowing you to stroll through the history of FOUND....or read some of my old favorites like the series about our trip to Paris.   Any new posts will be on this site. We hope this updated site makes it easier to keep you informed about what's happening at FOUND.    Regards, Mary
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Now at FOUND: Antique Tin Expressions by Lori Daniels

About a week ago, I had the opportunity to meet artist Lori Daniels and her life (and art) partner, Stephen White of Mapleton, Illinois. I brought back over 2 dozen pieces of Lori's art of various sizes from small 6x6 tiles to a huge 9 foot tall glazed painted tin totem collage. This artwork is called Antique Tin Expressions because the "canvas" is actually antique embossed tin, mostly salvaged from tin ceiling panels, circa 1860 through the early 1900s. Lori mixes paints, resins and glazes in a unique manner to create the most amazing color effects on the tin pieces. With Stephen's assistance, the tiles are mounted on wood stretcher frames or assembled into collages. The effect is stunning! Lori and Stephen share a love of antiques. She was once an antique dealer and Stephen is a noted Folk Art dealer and picker with a passion for great pieces. Their home and gardens are absolutely overflowing with antique collections which inspire the colors and patterns of her art. It was a true feast for the eyes (not to mention the feast of homemade french toast Lori feed me)! Garden treasures filled the spaces between her porches and outbuildings. including a wonderful assortment of Victorian-era white iron benches, fabulous old tables, rusty garden chairs, architectural salvage, clay pots in antique holders, watering cans, signs with great patina, welded repurposed metal indians and other sculptures by various outsider artists. 2 old Coke machines formed surfaces she uses as workspaces to paint on. I left my camera in Ann Arbor... next time, the gardens will be in bloom and I promise to take pictures. If I thought the yard and outbuildings were interesting, there was more to discover inside her home. Stuff filled every nook and cranny. Lori has been collecting Majolica pottery and could write a book on it - I saw painted cabinets filled with more of this amazing Victorian tin glazed pottery than I have ever seen at any antique show. She had it artfully arranged in vignettes with her painted tin original works. I could have spent a full day just exploring each room of her home. Seeing the antique Majolica glazes displayed side-by-side with her handmixed trademark glazes made me understand her connection to the artists and potters of 100 year ago. From a distance her art resembles Pewabic tile. In fact the patterns in ceilings would minic the fireplace tiles and other decorative arts of the era. In this detail from one of Lori's totems, you can see the variety of patterns that can be found in the tin tiles she paints and glazes. It was interesting to hear her refer to each style of tin by the name of the building it came out of. I purchased several pieces for the shop that she referred to as "International Harvester", from the building in Peoria that a distinctive pattern of tin ceiling tiles was salvaged. Recently, Lori started incorporating vintage license plates, tin containers, hardware and other recycled items in her artwork. The bold vintage #6 is part of the series she calls "On the Road Again". That's something I say whenever I head off on a road trip, so of course I needed to bring a couple pieces from this collection back to FOUND! Here's another tin "quilt square" (my term) with a vintage coffee tin - a perfect compliment to the mid-century California pottery on our table at the shop this week. Art + antiques abounded! What fun to get to know the artist behind these unique pieces that have made their way to FOUND. Thanks to Stephen's packing skills, we fit more in to the van than you would think possible. Their studio and home were overflowing with creativity! From the fabulous pottery collections to the dozens of antique flagpoles in a pot in the corner, to a statue of St. Christoper at the top of the stairs, a gardian angel over the bed and blackened raku pots stylistically interspersed with her artwork surrounding the whirlpool - it was such a treat to get the grand tour of this artist's home! Learn more about artist Lori Daniels at Or stop by our shop to see her work in Ann Arbor. If there are color palettes or particular pieces on her website that you are interested in, Lori will work with us to bring them to FOUND.
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late night photos - pillows & more

Earlier this week, we got a shipment of wonderful new pillows (handmade in USA) and some other fun things. We've been busy getting the shop restocked. I stayed late at the shop the other night freshening up displays and adding the new vintage merchandise, too. Here are a few photos taken late at night, without proper lighting.... This seamstress also sent placemats: Sit. Eat. Stop by soon. We've been gathering more fresh accents for home decor and gifts. You never know what you'll find at FOUND!
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