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Squirrels & Acorns at FOUND

acorns.auturm There's been one fat squirrel busy in the Bradford Pear tree beside my driveway every morning this week when I walked out the door. And the acorns are dropping like crazy. A sign of a harsh winter to come?  I'm going to just enjoy these magnificent autumn days and let the squirrels worry about that. squirrel Nutty Distraction Topic: Sometimes I try to find a 10 minute "distraction topic" to think about to give my mind a little break from working. It's sort of a silly refocusing alternative to slow, deep breathing. Last week squirrels were a distraction topic for me. Except for their silly scolding sounds, squirrels mind their own business and just scurry around looking very busy and cute. I wish they knew better than to run into the street though - road kill is not cute. I'll admit it, sometimes I think about strange things - like how I'm grateful I am that squirrels never try to get into the house or even my garage. We grew up singing  "grey squirrel, grey squirrel, swish your bushy tail... grey squirrel, grey squirrel, swish your bushy tail..." but I never see grey squirrels around here. Brown squirrels live in my trees. After that little musical ditty looped around in my head for awhile, I was definitely ready to get the song out of my head and refocus on the important tasks of my day. It was back to my book keeping with a clear focus again. Meanwhile, back at FOUND, you'll find these adorable felted squirrels. They are made in Michigan at the AuGres Sheep Factory up in the thumb area. Burlap acorns go with these sweet faced squirrels for easy autumn decorating.