With the temperatures and humidity rising this week, I'd like to go jump in the lake! I'll be doing that NEXT weekend, but in the meantime, these mugs and signs from a Georgia company called Go Jump in the Lake bring a grin to my face. A new shipment came in last week - great for the cottage this summer.
We also have Great Lakes pillows - machine washable cover, with down insert. Did you memorize the names of the Great Lakes by the H-O-M-E-S method, for Huron-Ontario-Michigan-Erie-Superior? Growing up in a landlocked area, I didn't learn this memory trick until I moved to Michigan - the state which borders most of the Great Lakes! Which ones do not touch Michigan? Google it if you're not sure.
We had a ski boat when I was a teenager - what fun! I'd like to say a terrific water skier, but my best tricks were crossing the wake without falling and letting go of the tow rope with one hand long enough to wave at the people in the boat. Then I usually fell. It was fun anyway.
I know I showed you these frames made from water skis before - but I'm just fascinated by this clever upcycling - here's what the back looks like...the hardware and foothold hold the frame up!
Enjoy these summer days. And remember: if you're lucky enough to live on the lake, you're lucky enough!