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Reusable FOUND tote give-away

In celebration of Earth Day 2013, FOUND is giving away burlap tote bags with any $10 purchase  (one per customer please).  Available now through Wednesday, April 24th. A nice big size to reuse over and over again!
The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 with environmental teach-ins at universities throughout the country. By 2009, when the United Nations designated April 22 as International Mother Earth Day, it was widely credited with launching the modern environmental movement through grassroots political activism and education. Now a global effort, coordinated by the Earth Day Network , Earth Day is celebrated in more than 192 countries worldwide.
In Ann Arbor, this year's Earth Day Celebration will be held at the Leslie Science Center on Sunday, April 21 from 12-4:00 p.m. The complete schedule is at  A wonderful combination of activities for all ages - a great way to learn and have fun at the same time!
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