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Quick photos of weekend show - ends April 22

FOUND's Eco-funky Earth Day weekend Art Show is almost over.... ends at 5:00 Sunday, April 22nd.  No time to write now, but are a few photos: Above: Cre Fuller's robots with admirer - photo compliments of Charlene Plagens.  Below: Sarah Stanton metal wall art. Above: Bingo Twin wooden dolls.   Below: Fashion collage. Both by Marsha Filipiak. Mirror (2 views) and cottage assemblages by John Gutoskey.   Below: Jewelry made from watches by Rena Hopkins.   Below: bags constructed from vintage neckties and handstitched heart pillows by Celibeth Donnelly.   Below: more robots by Cre Fuller.       What a fun show!  Next post will announce winner of our $50 FOUND gift card drawing.