Blog comment contest with $50 FOUND gift card prize!
UPDATE SUNDAY NIGHT - Marijim Thoene, you are the WINNER! Stop by the shop to pick up your gift card or email me with your mailing address. Thanks to ALL of you for the wonderful comments!
Here's a little FOUND contest with the chance to win a $50 gift card. All you have to do is comment on the foundgallery blog - when we have 50 comments, we'll randomly select a name from those who have posted.
We started the contest a couple days ago, so those of you who commented on the earlier holiday posts are entered - that's 7 entries so far. Only forty-three to go!
Many of you followed the old blog we had on typepad, but we lost you when we switched into this wordpress format. Right now I know that my sister Linda, my mother, a few customers and my shop assistants follow this... I'd like to know who else is out there and encourage others to read.
As I mentioned in an earlier post, I needed to include those funny little letter/number thingies for you to copy to avoid spammers, but I hope you'll make the effort. Then the comment goes to my inbox and I approve them the next time I check email.
Write something you like about the shop - or a favorite find - or something you make - or anything that fits with what we do at FOUND. Or just say "hi". You'll be entered and when the number of comments hits 50, there will be a WINNER!
I'm planning a series of contests and ways to show us what you've done with your FOUND finds in future posts. We'll start with this simple little contest and hope we can get 50 comments before Christmas!