FOUND Workshop Photos - Chris Roberts-Antieau
It's been a busy summer for workshops at FOUND. I'll use the next couple posts to show photos from the series.
We were thrilled to host textile artist Chris Roberts-Antieau earlier this month. Lots of creative sketching, planning, cutting, ironing and sewing took place in those two days!
(Thanks to Pat Johnston who took these photos)
The workshop started with sketching and drawing. Then the fun of selecting colorful fabrics began!
Numerous tables throughout the room were STACKED with textiles of every color and pattern. At the beginning of the workshop, they were all arranged by color in very neat piles. By the end of the workshop, they looked like this. Lots of creatve textile combinations happened in the meantime.
Chris pulled out her scissors - instruction in cutting, fusing and layering commenced!
Slowly, but surely, fabric "pictures" began to evolve.
A good iron is essential in doing art the Roberts-Antieau way!
On the second day, the sewing began!
I was amazed as I watched everybody interpret their initial concepts onto fabric.
Two days wasn't nearly enough time to finish - work will continue at home.
The variety and lively use color and pattern in these projects was amazing. We need to schedule a reunion for this creative group of women in the autumn - after the finishing touches are completed.
We send a HUGE heartfelt THANK YOU to Chris (with help from Chris, Celibeth and Sylvia). We're so fortunate to know you!