Vintage Argus 75 Camera Made in Michigan!

Just sold another Argus 75 at FOUND. Argoflex cameras were produced right here in Ann Arbor, Michigan from 1949 through 1964. Though it uses 620 film, one reason this model is so popular now is that you can easily aim the camera on your cellphone down through the viewfinder on top and snap interesting vintage-style images. Hope to find more of these and share some shots of that trick.
Argus was best known of it's C3 Rangefinder camera, often referred to as the "brick", a reference to both it's shape and weight. Over two million of them were sold. The Argus Collectors Group meets annually in Ann Arbor, and at that time the Argus Museum at 525 W. William hosts an event that is open to the public. It's a fascinating place to visit. There's a common thread that connects Kerrytown and the old Argus 1 building where the museum is located - both historic brick buildings were preserved and modernized under the careful eye of the O'Neal family of O'Neal Construction.